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Aluminum Anodizing Services

Aluminum Anodizing Services is an ideal surface finish for aluminum parts. Anodizing strengthens aluminum parts and is available in several colors, depending on the type. All types of anodizing will increase the lead time and cost per part.

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Alloy Name with description

该牌号是最通用的可热处理铝合金,保留了铝的大部分优良品质。它具有广泛的机械性能和耐腐蚀性。它可以使用最常用的技术进行加工,在退火时具有良好的可加工性。铝 6082 是一种中等强度的合金,具有出色的耐腐蚀性,是 6000 系列合金中强度最高的一种。作为一种结构合金,6082 最常用于板材加工。作为一种相对较新的合金,它的高抗拉强度使其在许多应用中取代了铝 6061。

铝 6063 通常被称为建筑合金,具有相当高的机械性能、出色的表面处理特性和高度的耐腐蚀性。它最常见于各种室内外建筑应用和装饰,并广泛用于铝挤压应用。

铝 7075 是目前强度最高的铝合金之一,具有出色的强度重量比。它是高应力部件的理想材料,通常用于航空业的复杂结构和高精度部件。这是不可热处理合金中强度最高的合金,疲劳强度高于大多数其他铝材。它具有良好的耐海洋大气和盐水腐蚀性能以及出色的可加工性。
Design considerations for aluminum anodizing
Anodizing involves suspending parts via a “jig” or “rack.” This will leave marks on your part where anodizing wasn’t possible. If there are areas on which you can’t accept “jig” marks, please remember to include a technical drawing indicating these areas. Anodizing insulates your parts, reducing their conductivity. Masking is not required by default, as anodizing doesn’t raise the thickness of your part significantly. Remember to indicate in your CAD file whether you want specific part areas to be masked or plugged.
Anodizing is an electrolytic process both for protecting aluminum parts against wear and corrosion and for improving cosmetic appearances. Let’s break down the basic steps for anodizing a part:
  • Connect the part to an anode
  • Submerge the part in an acidic electrolyte solution
  • Apply a cathode to a metal electrode in the solution
  • Positive ions react with negative O2 ions and the surface becomes porous
  • This grows a layer of aluminum oxide on the part
  • Use corrosion inhibitors or colored dyes for cosmetic purposes
  • Seal the nanopores

  • The dimensions of the oxidation tanks in my factory are 6m*1m*1.5m (LWH). They come in black, silver, grey, and gold colors. The oxidation tanks for the remaining colors on the color chart are 1m*1m*1.5m (LWH).

The color plate that is manufactured by my factory:


  • The dimensions of the oxidation tanks in my factory are 6m1m1.5m (LWH). They come in black, silver, grey, and gold colors. The oxidation tanks for the remaining colors on the color chart are 1m1m1.5m (LWH).
The color plate that manufacture by my factory:cnc_auminum_anodizingcnc_auminum_anodizing
Aluminum anodizing services FAQ

Yes, you can check with the anodized color plate as showncontact us if you have a special color requirement.

We can give you a quote for a project same day or next business day. We provide expedited service for last minute jobs or projects with tight
Contact us to get a quote and schedule your project.
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Complete Aluminum Anodizing Services from prototype to production ensure high quality, fast delivery and competitive prices.


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