How to Remove Aluminum Scratches with Proper Aluminum Polishing

1 The polishing process we commonly use1.1 Coarse polishing1.2 Fine polishing1.3 Mirror polishing2 Quality inspection after polishing2.1 How Conco conducts the final product inspection: The polishing process we commonly use Aluminium surface polishing is performed to improve the surface quality of aluminium parts, making them smoother and shinier, thereby enhancing their aesthetic appearance and surface […]

How to get scratches out of aluminium:Aluminum Polishing

1 What is the Aluminium Surface Polishing Process?2 Preliminary Preparation for Aluminium Surface Polishing2.1 Set the Polishing Plan2.2 Material Preparation2.3 Equipment Inspection2.4 Safety Protection2.5 Check the Polishing Materials and Tools3 Summary of Aluminium Polishing What is the Aluminium Surface Polishing Process? The aluminium surface polishing process is a technique that uses mechanical or chemical methods […]

An Analysis of Aluminum Bead Blasting Technology

1 What is aluminium surface sandblasting?2 Detailed Explanation of the Sandblasting Process2.1 The Basic Process of Sandblasting:2.2 Commonly Used Sandblasting Equipment2.3 Applicable Sandblasting Materials3 Common Issues and Solutions in Sandblasting Aluminium What is aluminium surface sandblasting? Aluminium surface sandblasting is a mechanical processing technique that uses high-speed abrasive particles to impact the surface of aluminium. […]

On the Properties and Development Trends of Aluminium Recycling

1 1、The Necessity and Environmental Significance of Recycling Aluminium Profiles2 2、The recycling process of aluminium profiles3 3. The Future of Promoting Aluminium Profile Recycling and Sustainable Development4 4. Conclusion 1、The Necessity and Environmental Significance of Recycling Aluminium Profiles As an essential industrial material, aluminium profiles are widely used, making their recycling and reuse a crucial […]

Metal Abrasive Blasting and Its Process in Surface Treatment

1 About Conco Company’s Metal Abrasive Blasting2 Working principle of metal sandblasting3 What are the advantages of metal sandblasting?3.1 What grit is bead blasting?4 What are the disadvantages of sandblasting?5 What are the hazards of metal sandblasting?5.1 Health impacts 6 The future development of metal sandblasting7 Conclusion About Conco Company’s Metal Abrasive Blasting Conco Company features […]

How to extrud aluminum profiles and types of extrusion

1 What are aluminum extrusion profiles2 What is the process of Aluminum Extrusion3 How can you tell different aluminum channel4 How do you custom aluminum extrusion5 Summary: What are aluminum extrusion profiles Extruded aluminium profiles are produced through the aluminium extrusion process. This process involves passing a high-temperature aluminium alloy billet through a specialised extrusion […]

Fundamentals and development trends of aluminium die casting process

1 The Basic Concept of Aluminium Die Casting2 The Aluminium Die Casting Process Flow3 Advantages of Aluminium Die Casting4 Common Issues in Aluminium Die Casting and Their Solutions5 Main Application Areas of Aluminium Die Casting6 Summary The Basic Concept of Aluminium Die Casting Aluminium die casting is a process in which molten or aluminium alloy […]

A Base Guide of Metal Processing: Cutting, Drilling & More

1 What are the metal processing processes?1.1 1. Overview of Metal Laser Cutting Technology1.2 How Laser Cutting Works1.3 Advantages of Metal Laser Cutting1.4 2. Metal drilling2 Its main advantages are as follows:2.1 3. Metal Bending3 Here are a few common methods of bending metal:4 Its main advantages include:4.1 4. Metal Punching5 Process principle6 Advantages:7 3:Application […]

What is the anodizing of aluminium?

1 Understanding the Anodizing Process for Aluminium2 Why do we anodise aluminium?2.1 1. How long does anodized aluminum last?2.2 2.Does anodized make aluminum harder?2.3 3. Does anodizing change the colour of aluminum?2.4 4. Electrical insulation properties3 What is the downside of anodized aluminum3.1 1. Higher cost3.2 2. Increased brittleness3.3 3. High processing conditions requirements4 How […]

What is metal serface treatment and how process

1 Why is Metal surface Finishing very important for metal components2 what is brushed aluminum2.1 HOW do i get a smooth finish on aluminum?2.2 Its application fields include:3 Aluminium anodising3.1 Let’s break down the basic steps involved in anodising parts:3.2 Its advantages include4 Metal Bead Blasting4.1 Its advantages:5 Aluminum Silk Screening5.1 Its advantages:6 Metal Powder […]

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